20 Negative Effects For Contact Lens Wearers
20 Negative Effects For Contact Lens Wearers

20 Negative Effects For Contact Lens Wearers

Laser Eye Surgery
Radwan Almousa|

Being shortsighted is a pain. Waking up every morning doing the same routine over and over again, morning and then the reverse at night, just to see normally isn’t how we were designed to be. We timed roughly how long it takes to put your contacts in.

If you’re a real expert at it, it can take roughly 30 seconds to put your contacts in the morning and the same to remove them in the evening. That’s 1 minute a day every day. 365 minutes a year. 6 hours and 5 minutes a year every year all your life!

Imagine what could you do in that time instead. In that time you could swim two 10k marathons every year! Providing you are a strong swimmer. Or you could run a full marathon?


If you’re someone who lives an active lifestyle but also wears contact lenses, you already know the amount of hassle there is just to get going. 

For swimmers, wearing contact lenses must be avoided while in the water to stop bacteria or worse, amoebae, from contaminating your eyes and damaging your vision.

Contact lenses are mostly water so that in effect wearing soft contacts is like having a mini puddle of stagnant water sitting on your cornea. Water is known to change the shape of soft contact lenses, they can swell and stick to the eye.

This is extremely uncomfortable and can scratch the cornea - making it easier for germs to get into your eyes and cause an infection. That is why soft contact lenses cannot be worn while swimming, or in the bath or shower.

But how can avoid this when you need to be able to see to swim?

20 Negative Effects

Wearing contact lenses can provide convenience and improved vision for many individuals, but it's important to be aware of potential negative effects and risks associated with their use. Here are 20 possible negative effects of wearing contact lenses:

  1. Dry Eyes: Contact lenses can contribute to dry eye symptoms, causing discomfort and irritation.
  2. Eye Irritation: Some people experience redness, itching, or burning sensations while wearing contact lenses.
  3. Allergic Reactions: Contact lens materials, cleaning solutions, or debris can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
  4. Eye Infections: Incorrect hygiene or prolonged wear can increase the risk of eye infections, such as bacterial or fungal conjunctivitis.
  5. Corneal Ulcers: Poor hygiene or extended use may lead to corneal ulcers, which can be painful and require medical treatment.
  6. Corneal Abrasions: Rough handling or improper cleaning can cause corneal scratches, leading to discomfort and vision disturbances.
  7. Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis: Prolonged contact lens use can lead to this condition, characterised by inflamed, larger-than-normal conjunctival bumps.
  8. Reduced Oxygen Supply: Contact lenses may limit oxygen flow to the cornea, potentially causing discomfort and swelling.
  9. Contact Lens-Related Dry Eye: Prolonged lens wear can disrupt the tear film, leading to dryness and discomfort.
  10. Blurred Vision: Debris, protein deposits, or poorly fitting lenses can cause blurry vision.
  11. Foreign Body Sensation: The feeling of having a foreign object in the eye can occur with contact lens wear.
  12. Contact Lens Discomfort Syndrome: Prolonged lens use can contribute to chronic discomfort and sensitivity.
  13. Inability to Wear for Long Periods: Some individuals may find it challenging to wear lenses for extended periods due to discomfort.
  14. Deposits and Protein Buildup: Protein and lipid deposits can accumulate on lenses, affecting vision and comfort.
  15. Limited Tolerance for Environmental Conditions: Dry or dusty environments can exacerbate lens discomfort and irritation.
  16. Risk of Losing Lenses: Accidentally dropping or losing contact lenses is a common inconvenience.
  17. Lens Movement and Dislodging: Active or sporty activities can cause lenses to shift or fall out.
  18. Daily Maintenance: The need for daily cleaning and proper storage can be time-consuming.
  19. Expense: The ongoing cost of purchasing lenses, cleaning solutions, and replacement can add up.
  20. Risk of Incorrect Usage: Incorrect lens care, hygiene, or wearing lenses while sleeping can lead to complications.

Laser Eye Surgery Is The Solution

The Best Laser Eye Surgery takes just 27 seconds and lasts forever.

This means no more special gear that’s designed to help people who wear contact lenses/glasses, and no more hassle getting prepared to participate in activities.

But, most importantly, laser eye surgery allows you to improve your performance, and allows you to become a better version of yourself! You can be back on the track, in the pool or just in the gym almost immediately with better vision than ever.

And remember, SMILE laser correction is new and different.

Why Delay?

Make that no-brainer decision now and get SMILE laser correction.

Still unsure? Here at My iClinic, we offer a FREE eye scan for people interested in finding out more about laser eye surgery.

These scans will tell you about your eye and usually confirm that laser eye surgery would give you normal vision.

Find out more by Speaking to our team

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