Implantable contact Lenses (ICL) Surgery in London

Wake up in the morning with your sight ready before you are!
You always should have had
Sustainable contact lenses for a sustainable future.
Wake up in the morning with your sight ready before you are!
You always should have had
Sustainable contact lenses for a sustainable future.
Monthly payment period
Your monthly payment
London’s latest vision correction treatment for glasses and contact lens wearersLondon’s latest vision correction treatment for glasses and contact lens wearers
If you are ready to break from compromising with your everyday contact lenses or glasses, take a look at our biocompatible ICL lenses made by EVO Visian – a groundbreaking Evolution in Visual Freedom!
A better quality of life is just around the corner!
An ICL consultation for Implantable contact lenses couldn’t be easier! Our friendly team will guide you through some eye assessments which will take approximately one hour.
Once complete, your specialist will advise you on the best lens size for your eyes.
During your eye assessments, we will need to dilate your pupil with drops to take detailed measurements of your retina and your exact prescription.
Prior to your ICL appointment, we will advise that you do not wear contact lenses for two weeks to ensure your eye is ready for measurements to be taken.
None of these measurements are invasive or uncomfortable and our ophthalmic technician will support you through these assessments.
The eye drops will make your vision blurry so we advise that you have a friend or family member to help transport you home.
Based on your ICL assessments, our specialist will talk with you about proceeding with the treatment and how this treatment can best suit your lifestyle!
On the day of your ICL treatment, it’s best not to wear eye makeup or to put drops in your eyes.
Once arriving at our ICL clinic, our friendly nurse will explain what to expect during and after the procedure. Once ready you will be escorted into the procedure room.
A drop of anesthetic is placed on your cornea which also dilates your eyes.
The surgeon will be giving you clear and easy instructions to guide you throughout the procedure while they insert the contact lens implant.
Once the procedure is finished our nurse will discuss our aftercare advice and how to use your new eye drops before your aftercare appointment with your specialist.
Our Implantable contact Lens procedure lasts for two hours from when you arrive and when you return back home.
For Implantable Contact Lens treatment there is a one-week recovery period where minimal activity is required before attending an aftercare appointment with your specialist.
During the one week recovery period, our team is always here to answer any other questions you may have so that you can live confidently and comfortably following your ICL surgery.
Once you attend an aftercare appointment with the ICL specialist you will be able to begin life without glasses or disposable contact lenses again!
Would choose to have ICL again
Procedures worldwide
Of premium ICL performance
Saves the average contact lens buyer £13,200!
Saves the average contact lens buyer £13,200!
One custom lens means one all- time purchase.
Never waste money by repeatedly buying plastic contact lenses to throw away. One ICL procedure saves the average contact lens buyer £13,200!
Where are my contacts? Wake up in the morning with your sight ready before you are!
Where are my contacts? Wake up in the morning with your sight ready before you are!
Skip the daily lens routine for hassle-free clarity.
Reclaim your time and enjoy immediate, ready-to-go vision.
No risk of infections, dry eyes or blindness
No risk of infections, dry eyes or blindness
Enjoy sharp, stable vision without discomfort.
Pursue your passions worry-free with constant clear vision.
Sustainable contact lenses for a sustainable future.
Sustainable contact lenses for a sustainable future.
Reduce your environmental footprint by eliminating the need for disposable plastic lenses that end up in landfills.
Less plastic waste means less harm to our oceans and wildlife. Be part of the solution to plastic pollution.
The best ICL surgery price in London, saving an average of £2,000 in your treatment when you come to My-iClinic.
Discuss your options and eligibility for implantable contact lens surgery with one of our experts. We will give you clear advice on your suitability and best vision correction options for your circumstances.
Our Implantable lenses are made of biocompatible Collamer – proprietary material used exclusively by STAAR Surgical.
Collamer is a unique material that contains collagen which means the lens is made to naturally harmonize with your eye.
The ICL Collamer technology has unique advantages that make it an ideal material for a vision correction lens, including UV protection and it is easy to implant because it is soft and pliable.
ICL can be described as additive vision correction. Unlike other procedures, the ICL procedure does not remove corneal tissue, but works in harmony with your natural eyes to provide exceptional quality of vision.
Because the cornea is left intact with no reshaping or removal of the corneal tissue it does not induce any dry eye symptoms and can help with any existing dry eye syndrome you may be experiencing from your everyday plastic contact lenses.
Our Implantable lenses are made of biocompatible Collamer – proprietary material used exclusively by STAAR Surgical.
Collamer is a unique material that contains collagen which means the lens is made to naturally harmonize with your eye.
The ICL Collamer technology has unique advantages that make it an ideal material for a vision correction lens, including UV protection and it is easy to implant because it is soft and pliable.
Though the ICL is designed to remain in the eye without maintenance, permanently correcting your vision, the lens can be completely removed providing flexibility for the future.
In the event of a major prescription change or the availability of new vision correction options, ICL is completely removable. Allowing you to keep pace with advancing technology and your future prescription if needed.
Now I wake up and I don’t have to put in contacts.
I open my eyes and I can actually see myself in the mirror without squinting.
I don’t need contact lenses to do my make up in the mornings anymore.
I just feel a lot more confident. I feel as though I have my eyes, not some plastic thing on my face.
It’s just been amazing and I would do it again…
Have a question? We are here to help.
ICL stands for ‘Implantable Collamer Lenses’ which some refer to as ‘Implantable contact lenses.’ No matter the term, ICL is a permanent lens implanted into the eye to correct your vision, be that short or long sighted, and astigmatism. If you have a prescription for glasses or everyday contact lenses, ICL is could be an excellent vision correction procedure for you! ICL is the best alternative to laser eye surgery, even for those with a higher than average prescription, dry eyes or thin corneas, and offers crisp, clear vision during the day and at night, permanently, without needing your glasses or everyday contact lenses.
There are three major differences between Implantable Collamer Lenses and the contact lenses you currently wear everyday:
If you find your prescription is changing over the time you have ICL, we are able to change the ICL lenses so you can resume your normal activities by seeing clearly again. The ICL procedure is 100% reversible and if you do find your sight is changing, we can replace your old prescription with your new prescription. You can still continue with long-term sight without worrying about glasses or contact lenses.
ICL are designed to be permanent as it is the best vision correction alternative to laser eye surgery! The lenses are designed very differently to hard plastic lenses you would usually purchase for everyday use which is why they last forever.
ICL is a permanent solution to fix your sight and have clear vision for the long term without the need for purchasing disposable contact lenses or glasses. However, the ICL procedure is not permanent as it can always be reversed if your prescription changes in the future. Think of ICL as permanent contact lenses everyday where you don’t need to.
Our ICL procedure costs £3000 per eye. We offer a 0% interest- free finance option for 24 months which only requires a deposit of 25%, while the remaining balance can be paid back interest-free! See if you are eligible for our finance options here.
Everybody is most likely suitable for ICL treatment! However, if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or under that age of 21, unfortunately you would not be considered for the treatment at this time. We understand you may be looking for the best treatment to correct your vision already which is why we will still be able to book your private consultation with our specialist in advance. If you are over the age of 45, we would not use ICL as a suitable treatment to correct your vision. Instead, we would propose Presbyond as the best treatment for you.
Yes! The main benefit of having ICL surgery is to be free from any visual limitations in your busy lifestyle! After the surgery, we advise two weeks without swimming or participating in any strenuous activity but after these two weeks you may resume all activities as normal with the crystal clarity of the world around you!
We advise you to not wear any eye shadow, mascara or eyeliner for at least two weeks after your ICL surgery. This is because your eye is still healing from the implantation and any makeup that falls off into your eyes will affect the recovery process and could result in injury. But once the two week recovery period has finished you can wear makeup everyday and apply at any time without having to worry about inserting your everyday contact lenses ever again!
ICL surgery is an incredibly safe and effective treatment with one of the highest success rates for vision correction procedures. The success rate for our ICL is 98 percent and the remaining 2% of surgeries that were reversed was completed again with different measurements for the lenses. Because the ICL lens is a biocompatible and stable material, it has been used for many years in ICL surgery and is completely safe.
Yes! Implantable Contact Lenses can reverse the effects of dry eyes which many people experience when using everyday contact lenses. If you have astigmatism or are Myopic (experiencing near-sightedness), ICL will permanently correct this for you.
Like any treatment there are potential risks to consider. In the very rare occasion we may have to treat a patient twice to reposition or replace the lens implant. Sometimes if the ICL lens is not positioned or sized correctly it may cause inflammation and irritation but we ensure to remove the lens before this becomes any long-term issue.